Leading the Way: How Our AHA and OSHA Training Sets the Standard

AHA_CPR Training

Introduction to EMR Safety and Health

EMR Safety and Health stands at the forefront of safety training, emphasizing work health through our expertly designed American Heart Association (AHA) and OSHA courses. Our leadership in this field is demonstrated by the practical and impactful nature of our training programs. We strive to provide education that not only meets but exceeds industry standards, ensuring a safer and healthier work environment for all.

Need AHA or OSHA Help? Contact Us.

A Legacy of Safety Training Excellence

At EMR Safety and Health, we pride ourselves on our longstanding legacy of safety training excellence. For over 40 years, we’ve been at the forefront of cultivating a strong safety culture through our comprehensive AHA and OSHA courses. Our commitment to safety leadership and continuous improvement in safety practices has not only enhanced workplace safety but also empowered employees and leaders with essential skills. By adapting our training to evolving safety standards, we ensure that our clients receive the most effective and up-to-date safety education.

Meeting the Challenges of Modern Safety Requirements

Recognizing the ever-changing landscape of workplace safety, we at EMR Safety and Health are dedicated to addressing modern safety requirements with agility and expertise. Our approach focuses on integrating advanced risk management strategies with established safety procedures to create a comprehensive training experience. 

We continually refine our courses to include the latest safety innovations, ensuring our clients are well-equipped to handle both current and future safety challenges. This proactive stance helps us maintain our position as a leader in safety training and ensures our clients’ workplaces are both safe and compliant.

Comprehensive American Heart Association (AHA) Training Programs

Our range of American Heart Association (AHA) Training Programs at EMR Safety and Health is tailored to empower individuals with critical lifesaving skills. We meticulously curate each course, from Basic Life Support to Pediatric Advanced Life Support, ensuring they meet the highest standards of cardiac care training. 

Our focus is on delivering engaging, hands-on experiences that prepare participants for real-life emergencies, emphasizing the practical application of skills learned. Through these programs, we reinforce our dedication to promoting health and safety in every workplace.

AHA_CPR Training

Building a Foundation with BLS and ACLS

In our Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) courses, we lay a solid foundation for understanding and responding to cardiac emergencies. BLS, the starting point for healthcare professionals, teaches critical skills in high-quality chest compressions, airway management, and effective use of an AED. ACLS builds on these skills, introducing advanced techniques and team dynamics crucial for handling severe cardiac events. 

Together, these courses form a comprehensive base, equipping our trainees with the confidence and competence to save lives in critical situations.

Our AHA Courses

Specialized Programs: Heartsaver and PALS

Our Heartsaver and Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) programs are specialized training courses designed to cater to specific emergency needs. The Heartsaver courses offer essential skills in CPR, AED use, and basic first aid, ideal for those in non-clinical roles or everyday situations. PALS, on the other hand, focuses on pediatric care, providing advanced skills for healthcare professionals dealing with emergencies in infants and children. These specialized programs reflect our commitment to comprehensive training, ensuring preparedness across a broad range of emergency scenarios.

Our Commitment to OSHA Standards

Our dedication to OSHA standards at EMR Safety and Health is unwavering. We meticulously align our training courses with OSHA’s guidelines to ensure the highest level of workplace safety. Our focus is on imparting knowledge and skills that not only comply with OSHA regulations but also foster a culture of safety and awareness. This commitment to OSHA standards is integral to our mission of creating safer work environments across various industries.

OSHA training in action

Upholding Workplace Safety and Health

In our approach to workplace safety and health at EMR Safety and Health, we prioritize not just adherence to regulations but the cultivation of a robust safety mindset. Our training programs are crafted to empower employees and leaders with the skills and awareness to maintain a secure and healthy working environment. By emphasizing proactive measures and ongoing vigilance, we strive to minimize risks and create a safety-conscious atmosphere in every workplace we partner with.

Our OSHA Courses

Tailoring Training to Industry Needs

EMR Safety and Health is committed to providing industry-specific safety training, understanding that each sector has its unique set of challenges. We continuously adapt our training programs to align with the specific safety and health requirements of diverse industries. 

This bespoke approach ensures that our training is not only effective but also directly relevant to the particular hazards and safety protocols of each industry we serve. Our goal is to deliver training that is both practical and impactful, specifically tailored to the unique environments of our clients.

The EMR Difference: Innovation and Integrity in Training

Our approach to training is uniquely defined by our commitment to constant innovation and steadfast integrity. We believe in pushing the boundaries of traditional safety training, incorporating the latest advancements and insights. Our integrity is non-negotiable, ensuring that every course we offer is conducted with the utmost honesty and ethical standards. This blend of forward-thinking methods and moral principles sets us apart in the field of safety training, embodying the distinct value we bring to our clients.

Staying Ahead with Continuous Curriculum Updates

In line with our role as a leader in safety training, EMR Safety and Health places a strong emphasis on regularly revising and enhancing our training course content. This approach ensures that our courses not only meet but exceed current industry standards, keeping our clients at the forefront of safety knowledge and practices. Our dedication to updating our curriculum is a testament to our commitment to excellence in safety training, constantly evolving to address the dynamic nature of workplace safety.

Personalized Training Approach

In our role as a safety leader, EMR Safety and Health emphasizes a personalized approach to training. Recognizing the diversity of safety issues across different workplaces, we aim for safety excellence by customizing our courses to address these unique challenges. This tailored strategy ensures effective and relevant solutions, reinforcing our commitment to leading in safety training and addressing specific needs with precision.


In conclusion, our journey at EMR Safety and Health is driven by a commitment to fostering effective leadership through our safety initiatives. By enhancing leadership skills among employees, we aim to build a foundation of safety excellence. This approach is integral to our mission, as we continue to lead and innovate in the field of safety training. Our dedication to these principles ensures we remain at the forefront, setting benchmarks in safety and leadership for the benefit of our clients and the broader community.

Understanding the Critical Importance of AHA Training for Healthcare Professionals

AHA Training for Healthcare Professionals

The Essence of AHA Training in Modern Healthcare

The American Heart Association is pivotal in shaping the standards for life-saving procedures in healthcare, notably through its CPR and Basic Life Support (BLS) training programs. These trainings are not just about learning techniques; they are about instilling confidence and precision in healthcare professionals for emergency situations. AHA’s CPR training, in particular, ensures that medical personnel are adept at delivering quick and effective life-saving interventions, a crucial skill in any medical emergency.
Expanding beyond CPR, AHA’s BLS training encompasses comprehensive emergency response skills, including the use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs), managing choking incidents, and recognizing symptoms of critical conditions like heart attacks and strokes.
This holistic approach in training ensures that healthcare professionals are not only equipped with technical skills but also with a deep understanding of emergency scenarios, aligning them with the highest standards of patient care and safety in the healthcare sector.

Need AHA Training? Reach Out. 

Healthcare Professional Getting AHA Training

Defining AHA Training and Its Scope in Healthcare

American Heart Association training, recognized for its rigor in life-saving protocols, encompasses critical skills like CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and adeptness in AED (Automated External Defibrillator) usage. This specialized training is essential for healthcare professionals, providing them with the expertise necessary for rapid and effective response in cardiac emergencies. AHA’s approach prioritizes hands-on experiences, ensuring that these life-saving techniques can be executed proficiently in actual medical situations.
Beyond the foundational aspects of CPR and AED, AHA’s training extends into the comprehensive realm of Basic Life Support (BLS). This part of the curriculum covers a wider spectrum of emergency care skills, including effective patient assessment, airway management, and collaborative dynamics in urgent healthcare settings. The intent is to create a well-rounded skill set in healthcare providers, equipping them to navigate diverse and critical medical emergencies with confidence and efficacy.

The Evolution of AHA Guidelines and Their Impact

Over the years, the American Heart Association (AHA) has been pivotal in evolving its guidelines to align with the latest medical research and technological advancements. This continual adaptation ensures that healthcare professionals are equipped with up-to-date knowledge and techniques, especially in the realms of CPR and emergency cardiovascular care. The impact of these evolving guidelines is profound, directly influencing the quality of care and survival rates in critical situations.
The AHA’s commitment to ongoing research and development has led to significant improvements in how cardiac emergencies are managed. For instance, updates to CPR techniques and AED usage have streamlined the emergency response process, making it more effective. These advancements not only enhance patient outcomes but also bolster the confidence of healthcare providers in applying these life-saving skills.

Key Benefits of AHA Training for Healthcare Professionals

AHA training is fundamental in shaping the capabilities of healthcare professionals, especially in emergency care. The importance of AHA training is evident in its comprehensive CPR training, which equips medical staff with the skills to perform life-saving procedures effectively and confidently. Mastery in CPR, coupled with proficiency in AED (Automated External Defibrillator) usage, significantly increases the chances of survival in cardiac emergencies.
Moreover, AHA training goes beyond technical skills. It fosters a deeper understanding of patient care during critical moments, ensuring healthcare professionals are well-prepared for a variety of medical scenarios. This training is not just about responding to emergencies; it’s about enhancing overall patient care quality, which is a cornerstone in the healthcare profession.

Enhancing Patient Care and Emergency Response

AHA’s BLS training, including CPR and AED instruction, plays a vital role in enhancing the quality of patient care and the effectiveness of emergency response in healthcare settings. This training directly impacts patient survival rates during cardiac emergencies, emphasizing high-quality CPR and efficient use of AEDs. The result is a healthcare environment where immediate and skilled response to cardiac arrests becomes the standard, significantly improving patient outcomes.

Advancing Professional Competence and Confidence

Participation in AHA’s BLS training and Heartsaver CPR courses provides healthcare professionals with more than just technical skills; it fosters a profound sense of professional competence and confidence. This confidence is born from a deep understanding of emergency care, ensuring readiness and composure in a variety of medical situations. Such training elevates healthcare workers from competent practitioners to confident lifesavers, an invaluable asset in any emergency scenario.

AHA Training for Healthcare Professionals

AHA Training: A Standard in Healthcare Professional Development

The American Heart Association’s training programs, particularly in CPR and ACLS (Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support), have emerged as key standards in healthcare professional development. Earning a CPR certification through AHA not only equips healthcare providers with essential life-saving skills but also signifies a deep commitment to patient care excellence. This certification is widely regarded as a fundamental credential in the healthcare sector, underscoring its importance in professional growth.
In addition, ACLS certification, another cornerstone of AHA training, elevates a healthcare professional’s ability to handle complex cardiac emergencies. This advanced training goes beyond basic aid techniques, delving into more intricate aspects of life support. Healthcare professionals pursuing ACLS certification demonstrate a dedication to mastering higher-level skills, essential for critical care environments.

Compliance with Healthcare Regulations and Standards

AHA training, particularly in areas like CPR certification and Heartsaver First Aid, plays a crucial role in ensuring compliance with various healthcare regulations and standards. These certifications are often required by healthcare institutions, reinforcing a uniform standard of care and preparedness across the industry. Completing this training signifies a healthcare professional’s adherence to nationally recognized guidelines and protocols.
Heartsaver First Aid and other aid training programs offered by the AHA are integral to this compliance. They provide healthcare professionals with the skills and knowledge necessary to meet the regulatory requirements in patient care. This not only includes proficiency in emergency response techniques but also understanding the best practices in first aid and resuscitation, which are vital components of healthcare regulation compliance.

The Role of AHA Certification in Career Advancement

AHA certifications are not just valuable assets for healthcare providers in their current roles; they also play a significant role in career advancement. Holding certifications like CPR, ACLS, and BLS from the AHA often fulfills continuing education requirements, which are essential for healthcare professionals seeking to progress in their careers. These certifications demonstrate a commitment to maintaining high standards of patient care and staying updated with the latest medical practices.
For those aiming to broaden their professional scope, becoming an AHA instructor is another pathway for career growth. This role not only enhances personal qualifications but also positions healthcare providers as leaders and educators in their field. As an AHA instructor, healthcare professionals gain the opportunity to impart valuable skills to others, while continually enhancing their own knowledge and expertise.

How to Access and Benefit from AHA Training

At EMR Safety and Health, we provide healthcare professionals with comprehensive access to American Heart Association (AHA) certifications and classes. Our offerings encompass a full suite of AHA programs, including initial certifications, renewals, and instructor-level courses. We offer both in-person and online training options, featuring courses like BLS Basic Life Support, ACLS Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Heartsaver Basic CPR, AED and First Aid, and PALS Pediatric Advanced Life Support, along with specialized courses on specific medical topics.
By choosing our AHA courses, healthcare professionals can not only achieve and renew their certifications but also ensure their skills are current and robust. Our varied course formats offer the flexibility to accommodate different schedules and learning preferences. These training opportunities are key to maintaining exemplary patient care standards and staying abreast of the latest developments in healthcare.

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Conclusion: Elevating Healthcare Standards Through AHA Training

AHA training, as provided by EMR Safety and Health, plays a pivotal role in elevating healthcare standards. Through a comprehensive range of courses from BLS and ACLS to Heartsaver CPR and First Aid, we empower healthcare professionals with the skills and knowledge necessary for exceptional patient care. Our commitment to offering both initial certifications and renewals, with flexible learning options, ensures that healthcare providers stay at the forefront of medical best practices.
By investing in AHA training, healthcare professionals not only enhance their own competencies but also contribute significantly to the overall improvement of healthcare standards.

How to Get Basic Life Support Certification

Person giving CPR to a dummy

What Is Basic Life Support (BLS)?

Basic Life Support or BLS refers to a type of care that first responders, health care responders, and other public safety professionals provide to a person in a life-threatening emergency, such as cardiac arrest, respiratory distress, or obstructed airwaves.

EMR Safety and Health offers a BLS Certification Program that teaches students how to promptly recognize several life-threatening emergencies and respond with high-quality chest compressions, deliver ideal ventilation, and provide proper use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and Bag Valve Mask (BVM).

Key Components of BLS Training

Delving into Basic Life Support (BLS) training reveals a set of essential components that lay the foundation for effective emergency response. Here, we break down the key elements that make BLS training a critical skill set for healthcare providers, including registered nurses:

Rapid Emergency Recognition: BLS begins with the ability to swiftly recognize life-threatening situations, including the need for infant CPR. This skill empowers healthcare providers and registered nurses to initiate immediate action when faced with critical emergencies.

Precise Chest Compressions: Central to BLS is the mastery of high-quality chest compressions. Students learn the precise technique, including compression depth and rate, ensuring that oxygenated blood continues to circulate to vital organs during CPR.

Proper Ventilation Techniques: BLS instruction emphasizes the correct method for delivering artificial ventilation to individuals who cannot breathe independently, including infants. This includes maintaining airway patency, delivering rescue breaths, and effectively utilizing a Bag Valve Mask (BVM).

AED Competence: BLS courses cover the operation of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs), including their use in infant CPR situations. Students gain hands-on experience with these life-saving devices, which are designed to administer controlled electric shocks to restore normal heart rhythms during sudden cardiac arrest.

Collaborative Teamwork: In many emergency scenarios, healthcare providers, including registered nurses, work as part of a team. BLS training includes scenarios that focus on effective communication and teamwork among responders. Collaboration is vital for optimizing patient outcomes.

Legal and Ethical Understanding: A crucial aspect of BLS training is understanding the legal and ethical considerations when providing life-saving care. This knowledge ensures that healthcare providers, including registered nurses, are aware of their rights and responsibilities in emergency situations.

Ongoing Certification and Renewal: BLS certifications have a designated validity period, typically around two years. Maintaining up-to-date training and certification renewal is essential for healthcare providers, including registered nurses, to stay informed about the latest protocols and guidelines.

EMR Safety and Health’s BLS Certification Program comprehensively covers these core components, equipping healthcare providers and registered nurses with the knowledge and confidence needed to respond effectively in life-threatening emergencies. Whether you’re a dedicated individual seeking preparedness or a healthcare professional, our BLS course is an invaluable investment in saving lives.

If you’re ready to embark on the journey of becoming a proficient responder, explore our BLS Certification courses to take the first step.

Advantages of Obtaining a BLS Certification

EMR Safety and Health offers several courses and training classes, including CPR certification, that equip you with the knowledge and skills to respond better to life-threatening situations. Here are a few reasons why enrolling in a BLS certification class, especially for healthcare providers, makes sense:

Increase Confidence: Having robust confidence is extremely important in the medical field. Our BLS and CPR certification classes give you the confidence to act quickly and decisively in emergencies.

Always Be Prepared: The knowledge and experience you gain from these classes enable you to provide help to others in several scenarios, including at the workplace, on the road, at the mall, and more. Having a BLS and CPR certification equips you with critical knowledge to handle all sorts of situations, from choking to severe head injuries.

Increases Your Value as an Employee: Having a BLS and CPR certification means you have skills that will increase your value as a potential employee. Employers in some specific fields look favorably on applicants with BLS and CPR certifications. This is because most organizations prefer an employee who can perform and administer life-saving methods during workplace emergencies. Join our certification class today to enhance your skills and employability.

Who Should Enroll in BLS Classes?

A BLS Certification from EMR Safety and Health is ideal for healthcare personnel, including registered nurses, and other people who want to know how to perform basic cardiovascular life support (BLS) skills and CPR in a range of settings. Specifically, our BLS Certification program, which includes the HeartCode BLS course, is designed for:

  • Doctors
  • Nurses
  • Paramedics
  • Laboratory Technicians
  • Clinical Officers
  • Ambulance Drivers
  • Pharmacists And Pharmacy Technicians
  • Nurse Aids/ Healthcare Assistants / Orderlies
  • Emergency Medical Technicians
  • Safety Professionals and Managers

Basically, a BLS Certification is ideal for anyone who interacts with patients in various healthcare settings, including home care facilities.

Available BLS Certification Courses

A typical BLS Certification program, including basic life support (BLS) and CPR training, covers a wide range of areas designed to equip you with the necessary skills to respond better to emergencies. It may offer single-rescuer and team basic life support (BLS) skills, methods to evaluate an emergency, the measures to take, and legal concerns when offering life-saving care. It may also equip you with the knowledge to handle situations such as choking and drug overdoses.

At EMR Safety and Health, we offer a broad range of certification programs, including BLS, CPR training, and CPR class options, designed to prepare healthcare providers and other individuals for life-saving situations.

General courses for students

Instructor courses

Get Your BLS Certification Today

You can enroll for a full classroom course, take online courses or a blend of both. At EMR Safety and Health, our goal is to make an impact and increase awareness through quality training. Click here to learn more and to register.

Basic Life Support Certification Frequently Asked Questions

What does Basic Life Support (BLS) certification entail, and why is it crucial for healthcare providers?

BLS certification encompasses essential training to equip healthcare providers with the skills needed to respond effectively in life-threatening emergencies, including cardiac arrest and respiratory distress. It’s crucial for healthcare providers because it ensures they can deliver immediate, high-quality care in critical situations, significantly improving a patient’s chances of survival.

Who should consider pursuing BLS certification, and which healthcare professions can benefit from it?

BLS certification is vital for a diverse range of healthcare professionals, including physicians, nurses, paramedics, clinical officers, laboratory technicians, ambulance drivers, pharmacists, nurse aids, healthcare assistants, orderlies, and emergency medical technicians. Essentially, anyone in healthcare who interacts with patients in various settings, including home care facilities, can benefit from BLS certification.

What is the typical duration of a BLS certification course, and why is renewal necessary?

A standard BLS certification course usually takes approximately 3 to 4 hours for initial certification, while renewal courses are shorter, lasting about 2 to 3 hours. Renewal is essential because BLS certifications remain valid for two years. Regular renewal ensures that healthcare providers stay current with the latest guidelines and protocols, enhancing their ability to respond effectively in emergencies.

Are online BLS certification courses as effective as in-person training, and how do I choose the right one?

Many organizations, including EMR Safety and Health, offer both in-person and online BLS certification courses. Online courses provide flexibility and convenience, allowing healthcare providers to learn at their own pace. After students complete the online portion of the BLS course, they will need to schedule an in-person skill check where they demonstrate the skills they learned in front of an established American Heart Association (AHA) Instructor. Skill sessions focus on meaningful skills practice, debriefing, team scenarios, discussions of local protocols, and skills testing. To ensure effectiveness, it’s crucial to select an online course that is accredited and aligns with AHA’s certification requirements. Always verify that the chosen course offers comprehensive training and certification.

What key components are covered in BLS certification training, and how do they prepare healthcare providers for emergencies?

BLS certification training covers critical components, including rapid emergency recognition, precise chest compressions, proper ventilation techniques, AED operation, collaborative teamwork, and understanding the legal and ethical aspects of providing life-saving care. These components equip healthcare providers with the skills and knowledge needed to respond effectively in life-threatening situations, fostering confidence and preparedness.

AHA PALS Certification

Student giving CPR to fake baby

AHA PALS Certification

The American Heart Association (AHA) Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) certification is available to healthcare providers through EMR Safety and Health. Program facilitators provide the training and tools necessary for those working in the healthcare industry. With these emergency-related skills, healthcare professionals are able to expertly respond to infants and children during critical, life-saving moments. Below is an explanation of the PALS certifications that we offer at EMR Safety and Health.

PALS Provider Certification

This classroom, Instructor-led course incorporates a series of videos and simulated pediatric emergencies to reinforce the important concepts of a systematic approach to pediatric assessment, basic life support, PALS treatment algorithms, effective resuscitation, and team dynamics.The professionals who benefit most from a PALS Provider Certification include healthcare providers, emergency responders, pediatric nurses, and doctors. In order to qualify for the course students must have basic life support skills and they must complete a pre-course assessment with a score of 70% or higher. Successful completion of the course certifies individuals for two years.

PALS Provider Certification – Renewal

The renewal of the two-year PALS Provider Course is an expanded training program that includes personnel working in emergency response, emergency medicine, intensive care, and critical care units. This renewal course is an industry requirement.

Heartcode PALS Provider Online

PALS Provider Online is an eLearning course that utilizes eSimulation technology. To gain entry into the program, students must complete the PALS Pre-Course Self-Assessment. The program consists of in-hospital patient cases, a team dynamics lesson, and a multiple-choice exam where students must pass with a score of at least 84%. Students must successfully complete the Skills Check to receive their certification.

PALS Provider – Skills Check

PALS Provider – Skills Check is a 30-minute exercise that is designed to check the skills of those who have successfully completed the online version of the PALS Provider Course. It allows certification earners to test the skills and knowledge gained through the online course and apply it towards working in a hands-on environment.

PALS Instructor – Initial

This course enables instructors to take an advanced and systematic approach to pediatric assessment. Instructors will learn to teach a systematic approach to pediatric assessment, basic life support, PALS treatment algorithms, effective resuscitation, and team dynamics. Once certified, students are eligible to teach the PALS Provider Course, the PALS Provider Renewal Course and to conduct the PALS Skills Checks.

PALS Instructor – Renewal

Instructors must renew their PALS instructor certification every two years. This course renews your certification to teach the PALS Provider Course and the Skills Check.

PEARS Provider – (Pediatric Emergency Assessment, Recognition, and Stabilization)

The PEARS Provider Course is designed for healthcare providers who may encounter emergency pediatric situations during the course of their workday. Students will learn how to improve outcomes for pediatric patients by preparing healthcare providers with an assessment, early recognition, prompt communication and initial intervention in patients with respiratory emergencies, shock and cardiopulmonary arrest. Course materials are geared to those working as Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, Emergency Medical Technicians, and Respiratory Therapists.

PALS Certification Benefits

Having a PALS certification is a requirement for most medical professionals dealing with infants or children. Students will learn the skills that they need to stabilize children in medical emergencies. In addition, having a PALS certification can enhance your career by helping to round out your professional skill set. A PALS certification is recognized throughout the world and EMR Safety and Health is the leading provider for industry training, click here to learn more about our PALS courses. To learn more about the  wide range of AHA courses and certification opportunities that we offer go to www.emrsafetyandhealth.com.

Advanced Cardiac Life Support

Nurses helping a patient

Advanced Cardiac Life Support

Healthcare professionals receive the information and skills they need to save lives in an emergency situation with an Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Certification. Students learn to sustain life and improve patient outcomes during cardiovascular emergencies like a stroke and a heart attack.

Note that these skills go beyond the basic techniques learned within Basic Life Support (BLS). BLS is mostly focused on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), however during ACLS training, students learn what steps to take when a person goes into sudden cardiac arrest including how long to perform CPR, what medications can be used, and how to deliver an electric shock. Some examples of the skills students will learn include:

  • Breathing treatments
  • Arterial line insertion
  • Cardioversion
  • Airway stabilization
  • IV medications administration

What Are the Advantages of getting an ACLS Certification?

Here are the benefits of getting an ACLS Certification.

Stand Out in Your Work Pool
There is a growing demand from experienced health professionals in the US. As per the US Bureau of Labor, the employment growth rate will grow to 165 million from 2020 to 2030. The demand for registered nurses is mostly due to increased chronic conditions. That said, having an ACLS Certification will make you stand out from the crowded market because you have more specialized skills.

Increased Reputation in the Workplace
Continuous learning is important in the medical field. An ACLS Certification shows you have taken the time to learn recovery skills in case a cardiac arrest or respiratory problem happens in the workplace.

Boosts Confidence
An ACLS certification boosts confidence in healthcare while dealing with an emergency. You will learn to recognize someone in respiratory or cardiac distress and have the necessary skills to help them.

Who Should Take ACLS Classes?

ACLS training is mostly for healthcare professionals who work in facilities where cardiac-related emergencies are most likely to occur such as in critical, urgent, or emergency care units as well as senior care facilities.

An ACLS Certification is essential to every medical professional who oversees an acute care facility. However, this is not the only group that should get an ACLS Certification. According to RegisteredNurseRN.com, you should get an ACLS Certification if you are in the healthcare industry and plan to go beyond an entry-level position. In fact, many employers require their employees to have an ACLS Certification, especially nursing school graduates.

EMTs, surgical assistants, and nursing students who are yet to graduate should also consider getting their ACLS Certification. Also, it’s vital to go through these classes for people working in areas with a high possibility of cardiac arrests, like sports facilities. You will have the skills required to give naloxone and epinephrine.

Take Your ACLS Classes at EMR Safety and Health

Having an ACLS Certification can help you save lives by applying your ACLS skills to increase a victim’s survival rate and to prepare you for other medical emergencies. It is important to note that ACLS Certifications must be renewed every two years.

You can join EMR Safety and Health, one of the largest American Heart Association Training Centers in North America, to receive the best ACLS education and Certification. Click here to learn more and to register: Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Certification – EMR Safety and Health

Benefits of Becoming an American Heart Association Instructor

CPR Instructor teaching students

Benefits of Becoming an American Heart Association Instructor

From offices and schools to public events and shopping malls, there’s huge demand for people trained in first aid who can jump right in to assist in worst-case scenarios. Accidents, injuries, and health-related emergencies sometimes happen, and having someone on hand who is trained to assist can, at times literally, mean the difference between life and death.

People can become American Heart Association (AHA) instructors in:

If you are passionate about helping others, are looking to add to your monthly income or want to make a career change, then becoming an AHA instructor is something you should consider. There are many benefits of becoming an AHA instructor. As well as being able to potentially save lives as an individual, instructors can help to build a larger network of trained lifesavers. Here are some of the other benefits:

Earning Extra Income and Establishing Your Own Training Business

If you are looking for ways to supplement your income and would like to have your own training business, then consider becoming and AHA instructor, it’s a good way to make money while filling a legitimate need in your community. Teaching AHA courses can earn you hundreds of dollars per month. In addition, full-time salaried AHA instructor jobs are offered by hospitals, universities, and community centers.

“I have been an instructor with EMR since 2018. I began instructing part-time initially, which then quickly changed to full-time. This was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I was able to become a small business owner and full-blown entrepreneur. EMR made it so easy for me, the employees are so helpful and walked me through everything. They are always available to answer any questions I have and provide guidance when I need it. The process of instructing and getting my equipment/ certifications is so easy and user-friendly. I am glad I am an instructor and even more glad that EMR is my training center!”  – EMR Instructor Summer Smith

Making a Positive Difference

Instructors provide the skills and training necessary for others to help in an emergency situation. Trainees gain the power to save lives within their workplaces, communities, and families.

Increasing Transferable Skills

Becoming an AHA instructor enables people to build public speaking, presentation, communication, and leadership skills, all of which are valuable in the workplace. Being an instructor can enhance a resume and provide a competitive edge in the job market.

Developing More Self-Confidence

Instructors must constantly work with new groups of people, made up of individuals of varying ages and from all walks of life. Instructors become more comfortable as they teach more classes, and self-confidence can flourish.

Additionally, instructors can help trainees to develop the necessary self-confidence to be able to act swiftly and competently in an emergency.

Fulfilling a Passion

People who are passionate about saving lives and making positive contributions to the community can gain plenty of personal satisfaction through being an AHA instructor.

How to Become an AHA Instructor

Becoming an AHA instructor is easy with EMR Safety & Health. In operation for four decades, EMR has built a solid reputation for quality training. We are the largest AHA Training Center in Texas, one of the largest in North America and we are accepting new instructors.

Individuals should already have up-to-date training and hold a current provider card in the area they wish to teach. They can then complete the AHA Essential Instructor Course online before progressing to the in-person instructor course for their chosen discipline.

A prospective instructor’s first class will be monitored by a member of the EMR Training Center Faculty. After successful training and class observations, an individual can become a qualified instructor and begin disseminating life-saving skills to others. Click here for the four easy steps to becoming an AHA Instructor.