Benefits of Becoming an American Heart Association Instructor

Benefits of Becoming an American Heart Association Instructor From offices and schools to public events and shopping malls, there’s huge demand for people trained in first aid who can jump right in to assist in worst-case scenarios. Accidents, injuries, and…

Disaster Cleanup and Recovery

Disasters cause widespread flooding and property damage that expose employees to hazards during cleanup and recovery. Employers sending employees into Disaster Cleanup Area’s to do recovery have a responsibility, according to OSHA, to train employees appropriately and provide personal protective…

Determining a Confined Space

A gas line near the alley was moved to clear a path for a larger driveway. The line was pressure tested and did not pass the test. Four leaks were found in the attic. The week before, workman were in…

General Industry Safety Courses

The OSHA General Industry Courses teach the OSHA requirements related to the leading hazards in General Industry workforces.

Construction Safety Courses

OSHA Construction Safety Courses teach the OSHA requirements related to the leading hazards at construction sites.